Friday, April 4, 2008

Welcome to Rob's Popcorn Thoughts- a primer

Sometimes one has too many thoughts jumbled in their heads. Well, this blog will help get out some of these thoughts!

Welcome to Rob's popcorn thoughts. My attempt to corral these thoughts.

I'll write about anything that comes into my head several times a day, as long as I am medically sound.

As many of my friends and family know, I am a diabetic going thru several health difficulities right about now.

Here's a little list.

Diabetes, arthritis, left eye bleeding, high blood pressure, depression, amputated left foot, kidneys failing and the heartbreak of psorisis.

At any one time I might be in the hosptial for something, but I will try to keep postings on any different subjects everyday!

Why do I call it popcorn thoughts? Because they pop into my mind like CRAZY!!!! This is a sounding board for these thought and I hope you will return comments to this blog or to my e-mail,

So here we go, and let's have fun.


useful tools, free to download. Really it's a crap shoot if you'll need it or not. And if you do want it, you would be well served to read the comments, readers can usually find other software that is better and still free.

Until tommorow, GOOD NIGHT AMERICA!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey rob! I'll be watching ya here... (Marianna from AGC)