Sunday, April 13, 2008

Racial Freak out over video game

This week in the Village Voice, there were complaints that a 'white' man is killing 'black' zombies in the soon to be released game, Resident Evil 5. The writer lamants that it is wrong to sell a game to kids that teaches racism. So wrong on so many levels.

First, the Resident Evil games are NOT MARKETED TO KIDS!!!!! They are rated M (for mature). Kids are not supposed to play them. Parents need to do their job and prevent itl.

Second, this is the fifth game in the series (and I haven't played a one of them), but if there was racism in them before, we would have heard it. The writer blames 'white people' for the design, even though the game was made in JAPAN!!

and Third, can't we agree that ZOMBIES ARE BAD??? It shouldn't matter what race a zombie is, they want to kill us so we should get rid of them. Haven't you read "the living dead" or seen "Shawn of the Dead"? Zombies are bad news.

In short, WAKE UP!!! Not everything is white vs. black.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

quick thoughts

Summer racing is getting into the swing of things. Tonight marks the start of the Evangeline Downs Thourobred meet. Louisiana Racing throughout most of the summer. Always a good meeting for night racing and with a new turf track installed, I expect them to really take off.

Quote of the day "If I become the man, then who do I rage against?"
Lt. Col. John Sheppard (from stargate alantis)

Comics released today include:
Countdown to Final Crisis, it was okay. I don't go down with the Newsarama fanbois about how bad it is, but it's had it's lows. Two more issues then DC Universe #0 for fifty cents.
Titans #1- it got reamed by Troy Broyfield in Newsarama, but I didn't find it bad. Not the best I've ever seen, but not anywhere near as bad as the reviews would say.

Good night, going to infectious diseases tommorow to see if they can put me on another anti-biotic for my bone infection, hope it's not another six week program, that would suck! Can't wait to get the picc-line out of my arm! Then I can take a decent shower.

Until next time, as they say at Evangeline Downs....

Ill Son Par Tee!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Louisville Music Screwed!!!!

Tonight I was at a music survey for a rock station in Louisville and I have fux0red Louisville music for a generation! Two words: MEL TORME!!!!

But seriously folks. I listened to 6 second sinpetts of this stations entire playlist, and gave each a rating. I screwed over Springsteen, U2 (newer stuff), Nirvana, Tom Petty, Bob Segar among others. And if you go thru louisville and listen to more J.Giles Band, Emerson, Lake and Powell, Yes, The Who and Def Leppard, you can thank me!

Again, back to serious. There was a Q&A session afterwards and I lamanted the past where you cultivated a relationship between disk jockey and listener with a more homoginized jocks working for more than one station. I also screwed over one station's jocks in particular only to realize that it was a survey for that very station!

I also had a rant against the FCC killing funny radio over Janet Jackson's nipple shot. It was profanity filled and it got a standing ovation.

After doing this, I can say about the state of rock radio is ..... THAT IT SUCKS!

Makes me wish for the good old days of WQMF. Jocks like Ron Clay and Terry Mieners (before Ron died and Terry sold out), Duke Meyer, Future Bob, Cat and many others. Each show was a event and you had a reationship with them. But that was when QMF (and yes out of towners, it does stand for what you think it does) was owned by Diamond John Otting before he sold it to Clear Channel.

One day in 1989, Ron Clay and Troy Roebuck were doing a story about a drug store on Frankfort Ave. getting busted and then the next second Sam Kinison walks into the studio and for the next three hours gave one hell of a show! He did stuff clean and talked about local news and told of a story about meeting Lenny Bruce's mom. It was magic and it is no more.


Games for Windows magazine suspends publishing

This sucks like a dyson! I had 14 more issues in my free subscription. Guess it will go to Electronic Gaming Monthly, extending it to 2017!!! I'm getting PC Mag until 2014.

Thus the end of print media continues. EMG becomes ziff-davis's only gaming magazine, and god only knows how long that will last.

Why I don't trust John McCain

First off, I'm a conservative first and a republican last. Not a "rah-rah" everything they do is great republican though. So you know where I'm coming from when I say....

I don't trust John McCain!

No way in hell I'm voting for Hillary or Obama, they are too left. And I know that McCain has a 82% lifetime rating from the American Conseratism Union, but every now and then, McCain let's his populist and his need-to-be-liked side take over.

He said he wants to "shine a light on the issue" of executive pay packages. Where in the consititution does it say that a president has anything to say (or congress or the judicary for that matter) about how a any corperation compensates their exutives. That's between a corperation, excutives, and (if any) shareholders! Maybe there is a out if that bussiness is being bailed out by the feds, but unless they own stock, they have NO SAY.

Like I said before, this goes back to McCain's need to be liked and his flawed stradgy of thinking he can bring moderates and democrats and only paying lip service to conservatives. That won't win him the presidenty. I for one if he doesn't bring a strong conservative to the VP slot, I will not vote for a president (the first time since I voted).

Trust is important, and if McCain burns his trust with conservatives, a democrat will win. And then we are all in HOT WATER!

Let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

quick thoughts

Wanda Sykes said that "If Obama wins, then we become the man. Then who do we blame?" Good question.

How many nights does NBC run Law and Order:SVU in a week? Hey, don't get me wrong, I likes me some nightly Mariska, but does NBC have anything else (other than Deal or No Deal or To Catch a Predator) to run?

Running Monk and Psych on sundays is a good start. They should also run either Burn Notice or Stargate:Alantis to round out the cable-to-net paths.

Game played most in the last week, PEGGLE. It's addictive.

Spy Hard, Catwoman, Godfather III- What the hell are these movies doing on American Movie CLASSICS!!!!!

Might not post tommorow, going to the dentist. My uncle Rocky. It's gonna hurt.


The Tao of Olbermann

There are things I hate in this world. I hate the American Leauge (real baseball is played in the national leauge). I hate the Indiana Hoosiers (sorry Khaki). But most of all, I REALLY HATE KEITH OLBERMANN!!! Here are my reasons why.

It used to be that Deuce (my little pet name for Olbermann, since he used to be on ESPN2 in the beggining, and not because 'deuce' is also a term for a piece of crap) was good, at sports. Then his first move to MSNBC in the 90's, then on to Fox Sports after that, on to ABC radio for radio commentary, then back to MSNBC to revive 'Countdown' combined for a short time with a return to ESPN radio with former co-hort, Dan Patrick.

Since returning to MSNBC, something happened to Keithy-poo. A combination of his hatred of George W. Bush along with his psychoisis thinking that he is actually the reincarnation of Edward R. Murrow, has given Deuce a illuision that he is some sort of 'religious' leader, a religion of hate.

Keith goes thru and on a nightly basis,reveals his "world's worst". And all it seems to get on his list, it to offend his political sensibilities. One night recently, he picked Penn. Gov. Ed Rendell as the worst (a man I don't really like either, a partisan and patently dishonest man), his crime against Deuce-dom? He Praised Fox News Channel for their political coverage being fair to both democrats and republicans, despite DNC chairman Howard Dean's edict to not go on FNC. To Keith, there is no greater crime.

Earlier in the week, Keith picked CNN Headline News/Radio Host Glenn Beck in regaurds with the Wal-Mart insurance affair. Beck's crime was that he differed with how other employees on Headling News applauded Wal-Mart caving to the public pressure, while Beck questioned the affected family.

In the first case, it shows that Keith hates the compitition. That is fine, but he also doesn't respect them, strictly for their content. The second example shows Deuce's other weakness, you MUST BELIEVE THE SAME THING IF YOU ARE ON A PATICULAR NETWORK!!!! Typical of MSNBC, which has a sign on it's door saying "no conservatives need apply".

Another problem is his thinking that he is actually the second coming of Edward R. Murrow. If Murrow saw what Deuce was doing to his name, he would be turning in his grave. Even when Murrow was attacked by Joe McCarthy (missunderstood to this day), Murrow still treated him and his opponets with respect. He didn't say McCarthy's name with so much venom you could hear it literally dripping of his voice. He never gave his compition in the news industry insulting nicknames. He was a gentleman.

So Olby lurks in the bottom of the cable news ratings nightly. Looking up at FNC, CNN and hell even G4 and TVG. But he still plugs along. Not letting truth, respect or even morals stand in his way.

Carry on, Deuce!

It's been reported that Keith runs MSNBC. Makes sense. When you have a clown in charge, don't be suprised when a circus breaks out!