Wednesday, April 9, 2008

quick thoughts

Summer racing is getting into the swing of things. Tonight marks the start of the Evangeline Downs Thourobred meet. Louisiana Racing throughout most of the summer. Always a good meeting for night racing and with a new turf track installed, I expect them to really take off.

Quote of the day "If I become the man, then who do I rage against?"
Lt. Col. John Sheppard (from stargate alantis)

Comics released today include:
Countdown to Final Crisis, it was okay. I don't go down with the Newsarama fanbois about how bad it is, but it's had it's lows. Two more issues then DC Universe #0 for fifty cents.
Titans #1- it got reamed by Troy Broyfield in Newsarama, but I didn't find it bad. Not the best I've ever seen, but not anywhere near as bad as the reviews would say.

Good night, going to infectious diseases tommorow to see if they can put me on another anti-biotic for my bone infection, hope it's not another six week program, that would suck! Can't wait to get the picc-line out of my arm! Then I can take a decent shower.

Until next time, as they say at Evangeline Downs....

Ill Son Par Tee!

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