Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Louisville Music Screwed!!!!

Tonight I was at a music survey for a rock station in Louisville and I have fux0red Louisville music for a generation! Two words: MEL TORME!!!!

But seriously folks. I listened to 6 second sinpetts of this stations entire playlist, and gave each a rating. I screwed over Springsteen, U2 (newer stuff), Nirvana, Tom Petty, Bob Segar among others. And if you go thru louisville and listen to more J.Giles Band, Emerson, Lake and Powell, Yes, The Who and Def Leppard, you can thank me!

Again, back to serious. There was a Q&A session afterwards and I lamanted the past where you cultivated a relationship between disk jockey and listener with a more homoginized jocks working for more than one station. I also screwed over one station's jocks in particular only to realize that it was a survey for that very station!

I also had a rant against the FCC killing funny radio over Janet Jackson's nipple shot. It was profanity filled and it got a standing ovation.

After doing this, I can say about the state of rock radio is ..... THAT IT SUCKS!

Makes me wish for the good old days of WQMF. Jocks like Ron Clay and Terry Mieners (before Ron died and Terry sold out), Duke Meyer, Future Bob, Cat and many others. Each show was a event and you had a reationship with them. But that was when QMF (and yes out of towners, it does stand for what you think it does) was owned by Diamond John Otting before he sold it to Clear Channel.

One day in 1989, Ron Clay and Troy Roebuck were doing a story about a drug store on Frankfort Ave. getting busted and then the next second Sam Kinison walks into the studio and for the next three hours gave one hell of a show! He did stuff clean and talked about local news and told of a story about meeting Lenny Bruce's mom. It was magic and it is no more.


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