Sunday, April 6, 2008

quick thoughts

Wanda Sykes said that "If Obama wins, then we become the man. Then who do we blame?" Good question.

How many nights does NBC run Law and Order:SVU in a week? Hey, don't get me wrong, I likes me some nightly Mariska, but does NBC have anything else (other than Deal or No Deal or To Catch a Predator) to run?

Running Monk and Psych on sundays is a good start. They should also run either Burn Notice or Stargate:Alantis to round out the cable-to-net paths.

Game played most in the last week, PEGGLE. It's addictive.

Spy Hard, Catwoman, Godfather III- What the hell are these movies doing on American Movie CLASSICS!!!!!

Might not post tommorow, going to the dentist. My uncle Rocky. It's gonna hurt.


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